Posted August 29, 2014 by Kris and Vik in Blog Tours, Book Love, Giveaways, Guest Posts & Reviews, Home, Jmelynn Review / 0 Comments


When it comes to family, Ian Dare gives his all but in relationships he offers the bare minimum. Until one glimpse of sensual Riley Taylor arouses his dominant and protective instincts. He will do anything to possess her … and does. But any future with Riley must include him dealing his half-brother who is a constant reminder of the pain he’d rather forget.
Riley Taylor believes herself immune to domineering men – until charismatic Ian Dare turns a simple kiss into an all out assault on her senses and she discovers she likes his brand of control in the bedroom. As their affair heats up, they soon realize they complete each other in ways neither imagined. But Riley’s past is closer than she cares to remember, and her struggles with Ian’s dominance might just cost her everything. (love story, contemporary romance, alpha heroes, beach reads, sports heroes, bad boys, billionaire)


Riley’s outburst popped the bubble of anger that had been surrounding Ian all day. She stood at the elevator, pounding at the button in a panic, and his anger, which should never have been directed at her, dissipated, replaced by concern.


She ignored him.

The elevator door opened, and Ian bolted forward, grabbing her around the waist and yanking her back before she could step inside.

“Put me down!” She struggled, but he waited until the elevator door slid shut to do as she asked.

She spun to face him, fury on her expressive face.

“What the hell was that all about?” he asked.

“You tell me! I came here to check on you, and you treated me like persona non grata in front of your family.”

Yes, he had. He’d never been so angry or hurt, and it made no sense. Why the hell did he care if his half siblings showed up or not when he hadn’t wanted to invite them in the first place? He’d only done it to get Riley’s address and phone number, and when she’d bailed too, he’d taken it as her choosing Alex over him. Which clarified his blinding anger, to camouflage the hurt.

But none of that explained why she’d suddenly freaked—because that’s what she’d done. Yeah, he’d been an ass, but not enough for her to react that way. He knew she wouldn’t budge until he gave in first.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

Her eyes opened wide.

He was just as shocked by the words that came out of his mouth. Words he never used, because in his experience, they made him weak. With this woman, it seemed there was nothing he wouldn’t do or say.

Needing space, he stalked over to the wet bar in the living room and poured himself a drink. Pausing for a long sip as the liquor burned down his throat, he studied her, seeing her for the first time tonight.

She wore a white, strappy dress that clung to her generous curves, her curls falling over her shoulders and down her back. Now that he’d regained his sanity, he wanted nothing more than to grab hold of all that gorgeous hair, pull her hard against him, lose himself in her warm, wet body, and forget that he’d allowed his half brother to get to him. Make her forget that he’d treated her so badly, but that wouldn’t solve anything between them.

They’d both overreacted. He understood his own reactions, at least when it came to her. He still didn’t understand hers, and the mystery of Riley remained.


guest review Jmelynn

This book was such a pleasant surprise. And now I’m hooked on the series and need more ASAP!!

Ian Dare most definitely didn’t have an easy childhood. At the age of 18, he, his other 4 siblings, and their mother found out that their father/husband had been hiding a major secret from them for years. Not only had he been cheating on their mother, he also had been hiding a whole other family from them that he had been ditching Ian’s family for for years. Ian now has minimal dealings with them and the situation has left him with major trust issues. I mean, if his father would do that to him and his family, why wouldn’t anyone else do the same. 

Riley hasn’t had an easy childhood either. Even though their childhoods differ drastically they still both have for sure suffered. Riley grew up with an abusive father and a mother who wouldn’t stick up for herself, much less Riley. This leaves Riley keeping everyone at arms length except her step-mother and her best friend Alex, who just happens to be Ian’s half brother. 

At a chance interaction at a family get together that Ian is just about to leave they meet, and right away they feel this pull toward each other. They share quiet an intense kiss but when Alex walks in on them breaking it up, then warns her to stay away from his playboy brother, Riley moves on and forgets about it. Ian’s upset that Riley chose Alex over him so easily, and swears it’s for the best, to bad he can’t forget how she felt kissing him. 

I really, really enjoyed this story. Ian was smoking hot, and I loved him and Riley together. There was suspense, and passion, and a great storyline and characters. Riley and Ian both wanted to be together so bad, but with the pasts they had overcome, it didn’t make it an easy task. I normally get annoyed with books that the characters have so much trust issues that they just keeping fighting it out, but with Ian and Riley, they worked their issues out mostly and both parties were working on it together as a couple, and individually as well. I love seeing them grow. COMMUNICATION is always the key, and even though they sometimes forgot that, they always came back around to it.


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Quarterback Alex Dare, had it all — an all-star football career and his choice of willing women — until a severe injury forces him into early retirement. Social worker Madison Evans grew up in foster homes and knows what it means to have-not. She isn’t impressed by Alex Dare’s wealth or charm. Not since she fell hard for him once before, only to discover she was just one of his too-easy conquests.
This time around Madison refuses to succumb to Alex so easily. But Alex wants Madison. And if there is one thing Alex does well, it’s to get what he wants. Can he convince Madison to take a risk and dare to love?

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Dare To Surrender: 

After ending a relationship to a cheating, domineering man, Isabelle Masters takes off in her leased Mercedes, only to be arrested for grand theft and hauled to a local police station. To her surprise, she is rescued by the most unlikely person possible, Gabriel Dare, a man she’s been attracted to for far too long. Gabe offers Isabelle freedom along with an invitation to Eden, an exclusive island resort where everything and anything is possible.

Although Gabe yearns to possess Isabelle, he knows all too well he must fight his primitive need to bind her to him, and instead help bring out the independent woman she yearns to become – or risk losing her for good.

A woman who needs to run her own life. A man who needs to exert control. Can she surrender to his erotic demands without losing her sense of self once more?

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Dare to Submit Synopsis: Release: Sept 8

Decklan Dare knows about the unexpected loss of loved ones and for this reason, he values control in all areas of his life. Amanda Collins enjoys the freedom she finds in casual encounters without the emotional connection a relationship brings. They meet and their physical attraction is mutual but both experience feelings that could run deeper – if they drop their guard and let each other in. Decklan is first to trust, but when he discovers the secret Amanda’s been hiding, will he forgive? Or will he rebuild every wall before she has a chance to explain?

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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Carly Phillips N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Carly Phillips has written over 40 sexy contemporary romance novels that today’s readers identify with and enjoy. After a successful 15 year career with various New York publishing houses, Carly is making the leap to Indie author, with the goal of giving her readers more books at a faster pace at a better price. Her Serendipity books will still finish up in January/February 2014 via Berkley as planned. Carly lives in Purchase, NY with her family, two nearly adult daughters and two crazy dogs who star on her Facebook Fan Page and website. She’s a writer, a knitter of sorts, a wife, and a mom. In addition, she’s a Twitter and Internet junkie and is always around to interact with her readers.






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